Welcome to my Sufism web site.
Sufism is not a religion , Sufism is a way to get in touch with your innerself, a way to communicate with God. Even though God is always listening to all of God's children.
In order to become a Sufi one must be pure at heart. Purity is not easy to come by, purity exists when you are born, but can an individual that has been tainted by civilization and all of the trials and tribulations of this world attain that same purity that one had at birth. Jesus said that you must be like a child to enter the Fathers kingdom. In order to attempt that task we must do a thorough search within ourselves. The search must begin in our psyche and then we must search our hearts. Our person allows us to communicate with the outside world. The word persona is taken from the Romans. It was a mask used by actors to entertain .
Jung uses the word persona to establish that individuals all mask their true selves in order to live their daily lives. We pretend to be someone that is not who we really are.
Eventually that dual or sub-personality which is our persona represses our true self. I'm not saying that all of our good qualities are repressed, but we have to clean out the garbage that is in the closet of our minds.
Sufism is a way to dispose of that false self and bring back that self that is true .
It is a way to sort into piles the good the bad and the ugly. Clint Eastwood was in a movie, an Italian western that displays how the persona operates. When a person goes through a trauma in their life the ego places the memory of that incident into the unconscious. Through meditation and inner self exploration we learn to deal and face the problem head on.